Hello! I'm Mitchell

Digital Solutions Engineer

Websites & Applicaties

About me

My skills

From 2014 to 2018 I studied “Application and media development” at the Media College of Amsterdam. During this study, I learned the following skills:

  • React
  • HTML5
  • TypeScript en JavaScript
  • React Native (iOS en Android)
  • Swift en Objective-C (iOS)
  • Java (Android)
  • ActionScript 3 en Python
  • Serverside NodeJS
  • Workflows (bijv. Node-RED)
  • PHP en SQL
  • C#
  • Raspberry Pi en Arduino
  • Internet of Things (IOT)
  • GitHub en GitLab (version control)
  • NPM
  • Working in a team
  • Planning
  • Presenting
  • Being flexible
  • Not to have a nine-to-five mentality
  • To be open to other ideas

About Mitchell

My name is Mitchell, I am 21 years old and I live in Purmerend. I am a creative and passionate programmer who strives to create the best results. Due to the fact that I am very eager to learn, I try to improve my skills and knowledge by deepen myself into new technologies. In addition, I always try to analyse and approach problems analytically.

Radio & TV Purmerend

As from the age of 11, I work at TV & Radio Purmerend. First, I started to watch a lot of radio progams. After this, I was allowed to perform more tasks and I was given more responsibilities. Nowadays, I present the “Purmission” program, together with Niels, Patrick and Joram. This is broadcasted every Saturday from 19:00 to 21:00 on Radio Purmerend.

We at Purmission at Radio Purmerend


For questions or new projects, please contact me by sending an email mentioned below.